January 2024 Newsletter
New Year, New Events on the Horizon
Youth Tourism NSW is back with a bang in 2024, with a range of events in the pipeline to bring the industry together over the coming year. Stay tuned for details and if you have any ideas for our new Committee feel free to get in touch at

Working Holiday Maker Report Out Now
The latest Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa report has just been published covering the 12-months to 30 June 2023 (the first full year of open borders since 2019). The program appears to have responded strongly, returning to pre-pandemic levels. As at 30 June 2023, a total of 137,391 WHM visa holders were in Australia. The UK, France, Republic of Ireland & Taiwan were the top four citizenship countries of Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa grants (accounting for 57% of this visa type). Indonesia, China, Argentina & the USA were the top four citizenship countries for Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa grants (accounting for 53%).
There are now 48 countries in the program, including up to 1,000 young Indians being set to come to Australia by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, Brits up to the increased age of 35 will start arriving from 1 July 2024, and will get up to three years on the visa without having to do any ‘specified’ work. Some key structural changes ahead with this for our sector, with the traditional ‘harvest’ work set to be less integral to their trips. Read the full report here – www.homeaffairs.gov.au/research-and-stats/files/working-holiday-report-jun-23.pdf
Member Spotlight
Welcome to our latest member – Internex Pacific based in New Zealand! They offer a range of programs including internships, work experiences, and volunteer opportunities across New Zealand, Australia, and Canada – check out their many options here https://internexpacific.com/
We are now at nearly sixty members in NSW and the ACT – if you’d like to join our growing community, jump online here
To get further information on anything to do with YTNSW, don’t hesitate to get in touch – contact@youthtourismnsw.org.au
Thanks for your support and contribution to growing the youth tourism industry in New South Wales & the ACT. We would also like to give a special thanks to Allsopp Bunting Insurance for their ongoing support of YTNSW and the industry.